Mount Pleasant Show 2016

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Kokoti Monaco side

We took a small team of six alpacas to the Mount Pleasant show last weekend, all progeny of Leaenna Armani.

Pictured above are Haylilla Kokoti (brown) and Haylilla Monaco (Black) they both won first place as intermediate females in their colour classes, then Kokoti went on to win Reserve Champion female competing against all other colours – this is a wonderful result for such a dark coloured alpaca.

Haylilla Puzzle our leopard appaloosa stud male won Best Fancy of show.

Haylilla Mr Bingley won first place as intermediate brown male.

Haylilla Jakatta won second place as junior black male and Haylilla Ecuador won second place as intermediate black male.

Well timed rainfall a few days prior to the show enabled their fleeces to display a clean, soft handle making it a real pleasure to show this lovely group of animals.


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