Hush – a brave balancing act

hush with mum

Haylilla Hush had a tough start to life, her rear leg was broken while only a few weeks old. A month later she was well on the way to recovery but she was spooked by the cat and re-broke the leg.

We were faced with three choices; complicated and expensive surgery to plate the fracture (with no guarantee of a full recovery), to amputate, or to kiss her goodnight forever…

Despite the broken leg Hush had always shown us a great deal of pluck , courage and irresistible charm – there was no way we could end her life when she clearly loved being alive.

Hush is now a three legged alpaca,  thanks to Willunga Vet the operation went well and she recovered quickly. It took about 3 weeks before she was strong and agile enough to rejoin the herd.  Now she can even run at great speed, her latest trick is balancing on two front legs to scratch with the remaining rear leg.

Clever girl.

hush face


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